
Γιαννακός Σωτήριος

Page history last edited by sotiris 10 years, 1 month ago


          During a war many people can make a difference.The bravest can turn into cowards,the insignificant can do heroic things.But in the World War 1 there were all kind of people.The love for the country could make you kill people.By the fear of death you could go crazy or you coud run away and be executed because you had been proven as a coward.In that situation your family would suffer twice.They would be devastated by your death and they wouldn't receive the money that they were receiving because of your duty to fight for your country.But it wasn't easy to survive all this madness,those explosions and gunshots.Those who had survived were treated as heroes.They have survived many and terrible things.Besides that,the soldiers who had survived from bombs by getting hurt were treated like superheroes they were in the same list with Leonidas.As we understand we can't say that all the soldiers were superheroes or heroes.Because in a war all sorts of people can fight or not. 

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