
Λάσκου Ελένη

Page history last edited by elena 10 years, 1 month ago

Soldiers of WW1: Superheroes, Heroes or Common People 

 We all talk about the ww1 but almost everybody forget its difficulties. Soldiers day after day    would witness the annihilation of their friends, never knowing if or when they would be next. They were brave by refusing to be blindfolded for their executions. They stared down the barrels of the guns which would kill them. That's not cowardice. That's courage. Besides the above, many of them suffered from psychological traumas, despite that they were brave, strong and they didn’t break down.  Moreover, they had to face the terrible artillery fire and the effects of the chemical gases which were like being drowned in dry sand. These soldiers died for our freedom, and that’s why we must consider them as heroes. 


Comments (1)

Παναγιώτης Δόμβρος said

at 8:24 am on Jan 2, 2015

Well done!

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